Who We Are
What We Do
Furthermore, we have recently launched our wild catch series, offering a wide range of fresh, sea caught fish.
We have developed a reputation for supplying the freshest fish to our strong clientele, which includes up-market restaurant chains and a major supermarket chain in Malaysia. Our farms meet high safety standards, being MyGap (Malaysia Good Aquaculture Practice) and FQC (Fish Quality Certification) certified, as well as being recognised by the European Union for export.
We look forward to serving you!
Fishes are caught from our sea cages and delivered to you on the same day.
We are open every day of the year, come rain or shine, we get the freshest seafood to you!
Place your preferred seafood orders now and we will deliver them to you the following day – guaranteed.
Added Value Service
Delivered to you in forms of descaled & gutted, fillet cut, half cut, or steak cut for your ease in cooking preparation.